Bundle Packing

There may be as many ways to pack a suitcase as there are people who pack them. Are you a roller or a folder? Do you save space by tucking …

Packing Cubes: Pros & Cons

Packing is not the most enjoyable part of traveling. In fact, it can sometimes be a real hassle. Especially as a carry-on only traveler, I’m always looking for ways to …

Vacuum Packing: Pros & Cons

Vacuum packing is the process of packing your clothes in a heavy-duty plastic bag and then sucking all the air out of it. There are two main styles of vacuum …

5 Brilliant DIY Packing Hacks

There are lots of tips out there for packing efficiently, minimally, and organizationally. I’ve written about many of these, including packing strategies, clothing and toiletry ideas, and the best travel …

5 Steps to Perfect Packing

Perfect packing is an art. It may seem simple enough – throw what you need into a suitcase and go! But a little more thought and effort as you pack …

5 Top Tips for Packing Efficiently

Being an efficient packer is not only about fitting tons of stuff into a small space. It’s also about using that space wisely. I’m all about packing carry-on only!  Check …

Winter Minimalist Packing Guide

Winter clothes are heavier and bulkier. They take up a lot more space than summer clothes. So what’s the secret to minimalist packing in winter? It’s all about layers. Several …

Packing in Ziploc Bags

    Ok, I know it sounds a little weird but ziplock bags are one of my essential travel accessories as a seasoned long-term budget traveler! They come in super …