5 Dual Voltage Travel Electronics

Different countries have different types of electrical power. When you travel abroad, you’ll most likely need to bring a power adapter in order to plug in electronics from home. But …

Entertainment on the Road

Long flights, bus & train rides, or road trips can lead to boredom if you are not prepared. If you don’t have a travel companion or don’t feel like talking, …

What to Look For in a Travel Bag

There are many styles of suitcases on the market. It can be difficult to know which one will work for your travel style and typical destinations. I’ve tried so many …

Best Travel Shoes for All Occasions

No matter what kind of travel you do, having the right shoes can make a big difference. Comfort is key, without sacrificing style. Lightweight and compact are also big pluses. …

Best Sustainable Travel Gear

I’m increasingly vigilant about looking for ways to be more sustainable in my life. We need to care for our planet and care for ourselves. An easy way to start …

Essential Camping Gear

Camping is one of my favorite travel styles. There’s nothing quite like sleeping in the great outdoors! And it lends itself well to several of my travel tenets. As an …